17 Things I Learned In 2017

1. God is faithful.
2017 has taught me things that 2016 couldn't. May it be myself or someone else pulling me back to think otherwise. 2017 has taught me that God is always there. Although sometimes it may seem that we're alone, but we're not. God will always be with us throughout the way.

2. Myself is important, too.
Give yourself time, love, patience, understanding and everything else in between. Loved someone too much and now you're hurt? It's because you didn't give enough value for yourself. How can you give love to other people if you can't even love yourself? How can you accept someone else's flaws if you yourself can't accept your own flaws? Love yourself first and give all the love that's left, to someone who's given a part of their love for theirself, to you.

3. It's okay to cut ties with toxic people.
In fact, you should. Toxic people, no matter what, will always be there. Cutting ties with them is the best way to keep yourself positive. Don't worry if you think you feel bad for them, you're doing it for yourself and you're doing it for them too.

4. Be yourself, unconditionally, and the right people will find you.
You certainly do not need to change yourself so people will admire you. Be yourself and only the right people will want to admire you for who you truly are.

5. Change isn't THAT bad.
Change, it's the only constant thing in this world. Kind of ironic, right? But trust me, changing isn't always a bad thing, if you're doing the right change then why not? But note that changing for someone else isn't good. Change for yourself and for your own pleasure.

6. Stay away from people who make you feel like you're hard to love.
I hate feeling that way. Like you're just too hard to love and you don't deserve to be loved. That's why I learned to let go and stay away from those people. I don't deserve them nor do they deserve me.

7. Inspire others. Share your ideas.
There will always be a time where you're too afraid to share anything or share what you're thinking because you're too scared that you'll be neglected. Just try. People might love you for that.

8. Family is important.
Although it may seem cheesy but your family is all you have. No matter what you do or no matter what they do, they'll always be your family. So love them despite of everything else.

9. It's okay to have standards.
When it comes to relationships, may it be love or friendship, it's OKAY to have standards. It just means that you want the best for yourself. 

10. Once is enough. Twice is too much. Thrice is bullcrap.
Giving chances to other people is kind of my habit. But remember, once is enough. Twice is just too much and and thrice is something you should really avoid.

11. Take risks.
It may seem cliche but, if you feel right about it. Take the risk! Don't let your what if's stop you.

12. Ignore negativity.
People will put you down. There's not doubt in that. But if you listen to their negativity more, the less you'll be able to appreciate the little things in life. Stay positive!

13. Never settle for anything less than what you deserve.
You deserve the world and everything in between. Don't let anyone make you feel like you're less important.

14. Past is past.
 Yeah, so mainstream, I know. But it's true. If it happened a few days ago and it hurts you, leave it in the past! What's done, is DONE. You can't do anything about it.

15. Let yourself be heard.
You're important and so are your ideas. Don't let anything hinder you from doing so.

16. Anything is possible.
It's okay to expect but don't expect too much. Anything can happen and you don't have a choice but to go with it and let it be a part of your life.

17. Love unconditionally.
It's very self-explanatory. Just love! Love is just too wonderful to avoid.


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