
Hi! I'm Margarita Cachopero, a fourteen year old lazy daisy from Iloilo City, Philippines. I've been an amateur
blogger since I-can't remember-when and yes, I've had numerous blogs way back but I'm glad to say I've stuck with theadventuresofmarga for the longest time now. Being fond of bloggers a little too much that I aspired to be one.
 I'm an adventure + thrill -seeker but I decided to start small -- as to local places -- since school and financial incompetence do not give me much freedom (but one day soon!!!). Thus, my blog name. I fancy the arts as well, challenging myself to get involved in the field as much as possible buuuuut as what I have mentioned above, I do not have that much freedom. But I sneak in a little time in between for my artsy-fartsies. I really don't have that much to say about myself but you'll get to know more about me as I continue to fill up my online diary. 

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